What is Key Logging?


A key logger is a program that records the key strokes on a computer. It processes the program by monitoring a users's input and keeping a log of all keys that are pressed.
Key logger programs are often deemed spyware because they usually run without the user knowing it.
By examining the key log data, it may be possible to find private information such as user name and pass word( ex:- if my fb password is hacker0093 and my user name is hackgodrs they will get to know about my pass word. )

Types Of Key Loggers
1. Software-based key loggers

Software based key loggers are essentially programs that aim to monitor computer's operating system. They vary in types and levels of system penetration. These key loggers are more dangerous if there are additional features for each. They can be very hard to detect that's why it takes a lot to remove them.

2. Hardware based key loggers

Compared to a software based, hardware ones don't need any installing since they had already within the physical system of the computer. Keyboard key loggers are one of the hardware based key loggers. It monitors the keyboard keys pressed by the user and records it secretly.

How does a key logger works?

It can be installed in computer both locally and remotely and can be used. Key Logger was originally created to know the Employee's activity working in a company. If a computer has a key logger install, then it saves the activity of that computer secretly.

How to survive from a Key Logger?

1. When ever you input a important data in the Cyber Cafe or in your PC don't use your keyboard use virtual keyboard.

2. Install a Key Logger Detector in your system.
3. If you use Windows 10, you can go to Privacy and close Auto-Cortana
4. Never install a crack software.  


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