What is MD5 Algorithm? Working of MD5 explained.

What is MD5 Algorithm?

>>>MD5 stands for Message-Digest Algorithm 5. MD5 is in a form of Cryptographic hash function which is having 128 bit value. It was designed for authenticating digital signatures.
Simple Explanation
Input-> Processing-> Output


Username:- example123
Password:- password@123

Password@123-> Process-> gsjsooweef28tgjs0gskvsjsk016glsgso

We are entering the password in simple form then it is getting converted to md5 hash and it is stored in the server. And from this md5 hash it is impossible to get the password.

How Does MD5 works?

>>>The MD5 message digest hashing algorithm processes data in 512-bit blocks, broken down into 16 words composed of 32 bits each. The output from MD5 is a 128-bit message digest value.


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