Top best Programming Languages for Hackers

As you know a hacker needs to know programming languages and learning a programming language is a very important for a Hacker and a Software Developer.
So here are some best programming languages to learn. So first understand:-

What is a Programming Language?
>>> A Programming Language is a communication between a User and a Computer System. We enter the programming language in a simple form like

import java.util.*;
class java
public static void main()
int a,b,c;

It is a Java programming which is written in a simple form which is containing packages which a java compiler stores in it.
Like import java.util.*; is a package. Now we are giving instructions to the computer through this programming here I have written the programming of Adding 2 numbers now the computer will convert the source code into a computer readable form and it will execute and give the output as  50 because we are adding up the two values. Soon I will start a blog on teaching basics of Java Programming.

Best Programming Languages for a Hacker:-

1. Python
2. Java
3. JavaScript
4. Ruby
5. SqL
6. C++
7. C
8. PHP
9. Perl
10. Lisp
11. Bash
12. Assembly
13. Scheme
14. Lua

Here I provided you some best programming languages for a Hacker to learn


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