Very Important For You To Remember In Hacking Field.

As you know hacking is a very risky field and for an Ethical/White Hat Hacker it is important to stay in its ethics and my blog does not support and illegal activity. If an Ethical Hacker crosses its limit than the hackers certification can get cancelled and the hacker would not be counted as a Ethical Hacker any more.
Now I have heared many people's say that if you are really a hacker than hack a facebook account or an instagram account they thinks that hacking a facebook account or any social media account proves that the person is a real hacker but the main thing is that a normal beginner or a script kiddie can also hack a social media account by Brute Forcing. Yes, so learners you should never listen to others if that person is saying hack this hack that then only he will believe you are a hacker you should never do this always stay in your ethics and proving anyone that you are a real hacker doesn't matters at all because they will not help you to carry with your passion nor they will contribute anything if you think you a real hacker, than a real hacker needs knowledge not others appreciation.

Please don't get offended if I have done any mistake or I have hurt any bodies feeling I am saying sorry to them.

But remember always A Hacker is known by its work not by others appreciation




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